Autumn 2023 | Spring 2024 | Summer 2024 |
CUSP Reading - Greta and the Giants Block 1
- Pebble in my Pocket Blocks 2,3
- Leon and the Place Between Blocks 4,5
- ‘Twas the Night before Christmas Anon Block 6
| - Sam Wu is Not Afraid of the Dark
Blocks 7, 8, 9 - Operation Gadgetman (includes My Shadow Robert Louis Stephenson) Blocks 10, 11, 12
| - Dancing Bear
Blocks 13, 14, 15 - The Magician’s Nephew
Blocks 16, 17, 18
CUSP Writing Introduce = green (Block A) Revisit = orange (Block B) Strong Start Sentence Composition (optional) - Poetry on a theme (emotions) A
- First person narrative descriptions A
- Non-chronological reports A
- Formal letters to complain A
- Dialogue through narrative (historical stories) A
- Performance poetry (including poetry from other cultures A
| - Third person narrative (animal stories) A
- Non-chronological reports B
- Advanced instructional writing A
- First person narrative descriptions B
- Performance poetry (including poetry from other cultures) B (Enrichment)
| - Third person narrative (animal stories) B
- Formal letters to complain B
- Dialogue through narrative (historical) B
- Poetry on a theme (emotions) B (Enrichment)
- Advanced instructional writing B
Maths- White Rose - Place value
- Addition and subtraction
- Multiplication and Division A
| - Multiplication and division B
- Length and Perimeter
- Fractions A
- Mass and Capacity
| - Fractions B
- Money
- Time
- Shape
- Statistics
CUSP Science - Rocks
- Animals, including humans
- Revisit Rocks
| | |
CUSP Art and Design - Drawing and painting Block A
- Printmaking Block B
| - Textiles and collage Block C
- 3D Block D
| - Painting Block E
- Creative Response Block F
Computing – school sequence - Connecting computers
- Stop frame animation
| - Sequencing Sounds
- Branching databases
| - Desktop publishing
- Events ands actions in programs
CUSP Design and Technology - Textiles Block A
- Food and Nutrition Block B
Science – Animals including humans
| - Mechanisms Block C
Science – Forces and magnets
Writing – Advanced instructional writing A - Food and Nutrition Block D
Science – Animals including humans
| - Systems Block E
- Structures Block F
CUSP Geography - Fieldwork – human and physical features
| | - Revisit human and physical features
- OS maps and scale
CUSP History | | - Rome and the impact on Britain
CUSP Music - mastering the glockenspiel Singing - Singing focus: Introducing texture Block A
- Sing parts in an ensemble (e.g. rounds) Block A
Untuned percussion - Untuned focus: Mastering rhythm Block B
- Recognise beats in a bar (time signatures/metre) Block B
| Music Singing - Singing focus: The history of singing Block C
- Singing for togetherness e.g. folk songs, war chants, hymns Block C
Glockenspiel - Tuned focus: Musical notation Block D
- Introduce the staff Block D
| Music Glockenspiel - Tuned focus: Composition Block E
- Compose in pairs Block E
Range of instruments studied - Performance focus: Introducing timbre Block F
- Perform as an ensemble (range of instruments) Block F
CUSP French - Greetings and the classroom
- Colours, emotions and numbers (0-10)
| - Introductions and questions
- Working together (Following instructions)
| - Playing together (Asking to play)
- Eating together
PE - Real PE - CORE - Personal
- CORE - Social
- GYM - physical
| - CORE- cognitive
- CORE - Creative
- GYM - Cognitive
- Dance - personal
| - CORE - Physical
- CORE - Health and Fitness
PSHE - SCARF - Me and My Relationships
- Valuing Difference
| PSHE - Keeping Safe
- Growing and Changing
| PSHE - Being my Best
- Rights and Responsibilities
RE - Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus - What do Christian learn for the Creation Story? (UC CREATION/FALL)
- What do Hinuds believe God is like?
| - What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today?
- Why do Christainds call the day jesus died ‘Good Friday’ (UC SALVATION)
| - What is it like for someone to follow GOD? (UC PEOPLE OF GOD)
- How and why do people try to make the world a better place?