Contact Information
- 01455552343
- Church Lane, Gilmorton, Leicestershire, LE17 5LU
Gilmorton Chandler Church of England Primary School
We Strive for excellence in everything we do, working under god’s guidance and endeavouring to enable all to flourish, Bear fruit and live well together.
Gilmorton Chandler School is committed to working in close partnership with all members of the school community. We aim to be a warm, welcoming school with positive relationships between all members of the school community and we strive to provide an outstanding education for all our children, placing great value on the role which parents and carers can play in supporting children’s learning.
If, at anytime, a member of the school community has a concern about an aspect of school life at the school, the concern will be dealt with by the school as quickly, sympathetically and effectively as possible. It is hoped that most concerns will be settled amicably at this stage without the need for formal procedures.
However, if there is a continuing concern, this can be directed through the formal stages as outlined in the Trust’s Complaints Policy.