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Gilmorton Chandler CofE Primary School - looking forward to welcoming you back for the new Academic Year

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Gilmorton Chandler Church of England Primary School

We Strive for excellence in everything we do, working under god’s guidance and endeavouring to enable all to flourish, Bear fruit and live well together.



Child Protection and Safeguarding


Ensuring the safety and protection of our children is the crucial in our school. We as educators have a distinctive understanding of children's growth, behavior, and social interactions.  The link below details how at Gilmorton Chandler we follow robust systems to ensure our children are safe. 

The topics of E-safety and Bullying, be it on-line or face to face, seem to be making headlines in the press on a regular basis these days. To help you in dealing with these issues and coping with them if need be, we have put together the following pages. They are full of links to relevant agencies, websites and information. And as bullying can occur on-line these days, you will see that there is some overlap in what can be found on both of the pages.

