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Gilmorton Chandler CofE Primary School - looking forward to welcoming you back for the new Academic Year

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Gilmorton Chandler Church of England Primary School

We Strive for excellence in everything we do, working under god’s guidance and endeavouring to enable all to flourish, Bear fruit and live well together.



Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


Governor Role


The school’s Local Governing Body is a voluntary, corporate one fulfilling a largely strategic role in the running of the school. It:


  • Sets the aims and objectives for the school.
  • Adopts policies for achieving those aims and objectives.
  • Sets targets for achieving those aims and objectives.
  • Acts as a critical friend – monitoring and evaluating.
  • Ensures accountability.


The Local Governing Body monitors and evaluates the progress of its strategy and regularly reviews the framework for the school in the light of that progress. Governors can only act collectively.


The Executive Principal has responsibility for internal organisation, management and control of the school and for the implementation of the strategic framework established by the Local Governing Body. Governors are not expected to be involved in the day – to – day management of the school.


The full Governing Body meets remotely at least four times each academic year. It delegates responsibilities to a series of committees. Our committees are:


  • Pay Committee
  • Complaints, Appeals and Exclusions, (as required)
  • Performance Management of the Head Teacher


Foundation Governors are appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education, staff governors are elected by the staff and parent governors by the parent body. The term of office is four years for all categories of governors at Gilmorton Chandler.


Parent governors are representative parents rather than a representative of parents – the Guide to the Law for Governors is very clear on this. It is vital that governors do not become involved in individual concerns. Apart from the possibility of jeopardising complaints and appeals procedures, no governor has the authority to act individually and make decisions on behalf of the school.


Gilmorton Chandler is committed to working in close partnership with all members of the school community. We aim to be a warm, welcoming school with positive relationships between all members of the school community and we strive to provide an outstanding education for all our children, placing great value on the role which parents and carers can play in supporting children’s learning.


Raising a Concern


If, at any time, you have a concern about an aspect of life at the school, the concern will be dealt with by the school as quickly, sympathetically and effectively as possible. In the first instance, please discuss your concern with your child’s class teacher. If you are still concerned, please speak to a member of the School Leadership Team:


  • Mr Adam Watson – Executive Principal
  • Mrs Philippa Tomkins – Head of School 
  • Mrs Rachel Spadaccini - Member of Senior Leadership Team


At this stage, if your concern cannot be resolved, please contact the Chair of Governors via the school office on telephone: 01455 552343 or email: If your first approach is made to a governor, they will advise you to liaise with the most appropriate member of staff as they should not act unilaterally outside the formal procedure or be involved at the early stages in case they are needed to sit on a panel at a later stage of the concern process.


Governor Training


Training for all governors is encouraged; to improve effectiveness and to keep abreast of developments that may affect the school and their role as governors.


We also encourage all governors to visit the school at least annually during the school day to witness first hand how policies are implemented in practice and to observe how children learn. Governors attend functions at the school and in the wider community.


Governor Vacancies


When a vacancy arises this will be communicated to our community where interested parties will be asked to nominate themselves. If in the meantime you are interested in the role of a governor and would like to be considered for future vacancies, please contact any member of the Governing Body.

