Contact Information

- 01455552343
- Church Lane, Gilmorton, Leicestershire, LE17 5LU
Gilmorton Chandler Church of England Primary School
We Strive for excellence in everything we do, working under god’s guidance and endeavouring to enable all to flourish, Bear fruit and live well together.
If parents or guardians have a query about their child’s education at the school then their first port of call is the class teacher. The majority of issues are solved at this level by arranging a mutually convenient time to meet at the earliest opportunity. If this meeting cannot solve the query then Mrs Tomkins (Head of School), Mrs Spadaccini or Mrs Gates (Senior Leadership Team) would be your next point of contact. Again, if this does not resolve your query then Mr Watson (Executive Principal/Trust Deputy CEO) would be more than happy to discuss your concerns.
You can arrange a meeting with the class teacher by placing a message in your child’s Home / School Diary or by contacting the school office in person, by telephone (on 01455 552 343), or email at
The Chair of the Local governing Body, Danielle Moore, can be contacted via the school office. If the matter is of a confidential nature please place the communication in a sealed envelope, marking it ‘Governors – Confidential’ and handing it into the school office who will forward it on. A list of School Governors can be found under the Governor tab of the website.
Our Address:
Gilmorton Chandler CE Primary SchoolChurch LaneGilmortonLeicestershireLE17 5LU
Telephone: 01455 552 343