Autumn 2023 | Spring 2024 | Summer 2024 |
CUSP Reading - Shackleton’s Journey Blocks 1,2,3
- Secrets of a Sun King
If – Rudyard Kipling Blocks 4,5,6 | - A midsummer night’s dream Block 7
- I am not a label Blocks 8, 9
- The Boy in the Tower (including Daffodils – William Wordsworth)
Blocks 10, 11, 12
| - The Explorer Blocks 13, 14,15
- Five Children and It Blocks 16, 17, 18
CUSP Writing
Introduce = green (Block A) Revisit = orange (Block B) - Third person stories set in another culture A
- Formal letters of application A
- Poems that use word play A
- Dialogue in narrative A
- Poems which explore form A
- Balanced argument A
| - Third person stories set in another culture B
- Formal letters of application B
- Playscripts (Shakespeare retelling) A
- Biography A
- Poems that use word play B (Enrichment)
| - Playscripts B
- Dialogue in narrative (first person myths and legends) B
- Balanced argument B
- Biography B
- Poems which explore form B (Enrichment)
Maths - Place Value
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multip;ication and division A
- Fractions A
| - Multiplication and division B
- Fractions B
- Decimals and percentages
- Perimeter and area
- Statistics
| - Shape
- Position and direction
- Decimals
- Negative numbers
- Converting units
- Measurement
CUSP Science - Properties and changes of materials
- Animals, including humans
| - Forces (Gravity and Galileo)
- Earth in space
| - Living things and their habitats
- Forces continued
CUSP Art and Design - Drawing and painting Block A
- Printmaking Block B
| - Textiles and collage Block C
- 3D Block D
| - Painting Block E
- Creative Response Block F
Computing –National Centre for Computing Education - Sharing information
- Video production
| - Selection in physical computing
- Flat-File databases
| - Vector Drawing
- Selection in quizzes
CUSP Design and Technology - Food and Nutrition Block A
- Systems Block B
| - Textiles Block C
Writing Formal Letters of Application B - Food and Nutrition Block D
Geography World Biomes
| - Structures Block E
- Mechanisms Block F
Science Forces
CUSP Geography - World countries – biomes and environmental regions
| - 4 and 6 figure grid references
| |
CUSP History | | - Comparison study – Maya and Anglo-Saxons.
CUSP Music – mastering the keyboard Untuned percussion - Untuned focus: Musical stories Block A
- One piece, different performers Block A
Singing - Singing focus: Introducing structure Block B
- Identify parts of a song Block B
| Music Keyboard - Tuned focus: Musical notation 3 Block C
- Follow musical notation Block C
Singing - Singing focus: Music technology Block D
- Alter pitch and dynamic to create effects Block D
| Music Range of instruments studied - Performance focus: Composition 3 Block E
- Perform including an element of composition Block E
Keyboard - Tuned focus: Improvisation Block F
- Improvise using repeated patterns Block F
CUSP French - Local places (Amenities)
- Emotions and numbers 0- 100
| French - Friends and family
- Working together
| French - Playing together (Sports and hobbies)
- Eating together (Preparing a meal)
PE - Real PE - CORE - Personal
- CORE - Social
| - CORE- cognitive
- CORE - Creative
SPORTS - | - CORE - Physical
- CORE - Health and Fitness
PSHE - SCARF - Me and My Relationships
- Valuing Difference
| PSHE - Keeping Safe
- Growing and Changing
| PSHE - Being my Best
- Rights and Responsibilities
RE - Leicestershire Agreed Syllabus - What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain Today?
- Why is the Torah so important to Jewish people?
| - For Chirstians what kind of king was Jesus? (UC KINGDOM OF GOD)
- What do Christinas believe Jesus died to save people?(UC SALVATION)
| - What would Jesus do? (UC- GOSPEL)
- Why do some people believe in God and some not?